The Forest Service is in the process of writing a new forest plan for the GWNF. Public workshops are being held and public comments are being accepted while the plan is being developed. The plan will be released down the road for formal public comment. Of importance is a proposal to designate 130,000 acres of forestlands as wilderness. This is in addition to 42,000 acres of existing wilderness and thousands of other acres under limited management.
Wilderness designation severely limits the management, restoration, and improvement of wildlife habitat. Under wilderness designation, these lands will lose their habitat value over time. Loss of habitat leads to loss of wildlife diversity and shrinking populations. That "perfect storm" translates into lost hunting opportunities. Public roads that access designated "wilderness" areas will be closed to mechanized or motorized vehicles and equipment.
If you hunt in the GWNF, it is critical that you communicate with the Forest Service about what you want, or don't want, changed from the way the GWNF is currently managed.
Comments should be addressed to:
George Washington Plan Revision,Information about the planning process can be found here.
George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
5162 Valleypointe Parkway
Roanoke, VA 24019
H/T National Rifle Association
Your convictions regarding wilderness are woefully misguided. I'm wondering if you realize that or are just going with what you really believe (because the science sure doesn't support your argument).