Saturday, October 25, 2008

No "Christmas"? No thanks ...

The famous Grucci Fireworks Company, known throughout the nation for spectaculator fireworks displays at major events, donated $5,000 worth of fireworks to the Patchogue Christmas Boat Parade in 2007 for their waterway celebration.

This year they have pulled completely out of the parade. Why? Because the powers-that-be decided to change the name to the Patchogue Holiday Boat Parade.

As reported by the Associated Press:
The company's vice president, Philip Butler, who has criticized the secularization of Christmas in the past, said parade organizers were "using all the themes of Christmas and plagiarizing all those themes."
Thank you, Mr. Butler. I concur.

1 comment:

  1. I'm Michael from Liuyang China(Liuyang is center of fireworks in the world),and now we are one of largest fireworks company.We have been manufacture professional fireworks and consumer fireworks for over years.
