Thursday, October 02, 2008

Parent alert: Virginia Education Association (VEA) pushing Obama

What is going on in public education? What is going on with the Virginia Education Association (VEA), the teacher union that is pushing Democrat Barack Obama as president?

The Washington Times reported:
An e-mail distributed by a Virginia teachers union encouraged members to bring politics into the classroom by wearing blue in support of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama and simultaneously suggested that the union's voter registration efforts include those "you teach."

The Virginia Education Association (VEA) e-mail drew strong criticism Wednesday from elected Republican officials and some residents after the state Republican Party obtained a copy. The author of the e-mail conceded Wednesday that the e-mail should have been worded differently.

The VEA is an affiliate of the National Education Association, the country's largest teachers union.

"Schools should be perfectly neutral," Virginia resident Julie Aurora said Wednesday. "They should teach students how to think, not what to think."
The email encouraged teachers to wear blue for "Obama Blue Day" and to register voters for Obama.

No wonder so many parents are finding alternative sources of education for their children including home education. The indoctrination of our children by public schools is inexcusable.

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