Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Pastors & Patriots: Voting Our Values"

It’s decision time in America as we go to the polls next Tuesday. We share the deep concerns expressed recently by Dr. James Dobson, Founder and Chairman of Focus on the Family, about the Biblical and moral issues at stake in this election, and about the future of America.

So, what are those key issues, and why are they so important? What is a pastor’s role during this election season? How do we decide who is best qualified to lead our nation? Who does Dr. Dobson support? And why does it matter anyway?

Our subject this week is “Pastors and Patriots: Voting Our Values on Nov. 4”. This is the sixth and final program in our pre-election series, and we’ll be asking Pastors Jim Harrison and John Sloop to help us sort through the Biblical issues at stake in this election and where each of the presidential candidates stands on these key issues.

I value the spiritual and moral discernment of both of these pastors, as I do the others who have spoken out on these pre-election programs. Therefore, I will ask them for their personal views about which of the two presidential candidates they believe is more strongly committed to promoting these key Biblical values. We’ll also report on which of the two candidates Dr. Dobson supports.

Note: In addition to their comments, you can also go to several excellent, non-partisan voter guides like David Barton's Wallbuilders and for a clear comparison of where the candidates stand on a range of “values” issues. These guides are also approved for distribution in churches and other tax-exempt organizations, so please ask your pastor or priest if they can be distributed in your church on Sunday.

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“Valley Faith in Action” airs at 8:00 p.m. Friday on WAZT-TV, which is Comcast Cable Channel 14 in the Harrisonburg area (the channel may be different in your area). It will air again on Sunday at 8:30 p.m., Monday at 8:30 a.m., and Tuesday at midnight.

If you would like to help support this program, you can send a tax-deductible gift to the Valley Family Forum at 3465 Izaak Walton Dr., Harrisonburg, 22801. We would also welcome any comments you would like to share with other viewers.

Together, we can make a difference, so please remember to vote your Biblical values on Nov. 4!

*** "Pastors and Patriots: Voting Our Values on Nov. 4” *** Guests: Pastors Jim Harrison and John Sloop Friday and Sunday Night on WAZT-TV *** Guests are Pastor Jim Harrison from the First Church of the Nazarene and Pastor John Sloop from the First Presbyterian Church on Court Square, both in Harrisonburg. ***

1 comment:

  1. How about instead we have "Pastors & Patriots: The Separation of Church and State"
