Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sarah Palin to be in Roanoke Monday!

Advance word is Sarah Palin will be at the Salem Civic Center Monday afternoon, October 27. Details are being ironed out so exact time is not yet available but mark your calendars and be ready to join thousands of other Republicans as they welcome Sarah Palin to Virginia!

H/T GOP Girl


  1. Actually I believe she's coming to the Salem Civic Center which is a much better venue.

  2. Oops! My mistake, and thank you for the heads-up. I have corrected it.

  3. I wish I was there, Lynn!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I wish you could be there, too, Donald. I'm debating whether to head down for the appearance ... it's about 1 1/2 hours away.

    Hope things are well out your way. Think California will go for McCain?! Ha! ;) (I know, I know ... left coast and all that.)
