Thursday, October 02, 2008

Saxman: "What were they thinking?"

[From Del. Chris Saxman, R-20th House]

Over the past week, I have watched the news from Wall Street and from Washington, as both have scrambled to try and resolve the current economic crisis. Like you, I have wondered if Congress will simply "bail out" Wall Street with billions of taxpayer dollars, or whether they would try to get to the heart of the issue and take action that would help to resolve the real problems that are affecting those of us on Main Street.

Many of you have contacted me to ask how this could have happened and to share your frustration with the current proposals on the table in D.C.

I wanted to take a moment to share with you a video that was forwarded to me that I found to be quite interesting. The video runs a little over 8 minutes, but it is well worth watching. It is sad when many of the politicians who are complaining the loudest now were the same ones who stood in the way when reformers in Washington were trying to act to prevent the exact situation we have now.

For more on this situation, another video worth watching can be found here. It highlights some of the political connections to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac leading up to their collapse.

These are very serious times for our economy and our country. We deserve leaders who have the experience to reform Washington and Wall Street, not stand in the way and protect corrupt individuals and organizations.


Chris Saxman

PS- For a shorter video, check out the one of the latest ads from Senator John McCain.

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