Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third and final McCain debate party tonight ...

This is it ... the final debate watching party of the 2008 presidential campaign season. Because it is a Wednesday night, many are involved in Wednesday night church activities and will miss or be late to the debate between John McCain and Barack Obama.

We're having a group over including the Mary Baldwin Republicans and other young twenty-somethings who are interested in this campaign.

Nate will be here to watch this last debate before he deploys back to Iraq or to Afghanistan in November with his Marine unit. A military wife and mom will be with us, too ... rooting for John McCain.

Stay tuned....


  1. Thank you to the Marine and family! McCain now talking about Palin and what she will do for special needs children...I love it!
    Have fun my friend.

  2. BTW - The chick is a good reason to vote for McCain, but this evening McCain hit a homerun.

    While making a great case for limited government, McCain politely tagged his opponent as a big spending con artist.

    The funny part is that Obama now has a new moniker, Senator Government.
