Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First measurable snow of the season....

Okay, "measureable" may be a bit too optimistic. A first glance out the window this morning showed what looked to be a heavy frost ... but a double-take proved it to be our first dusting of snow for this season with a morning temperature of 20 degrees.

It was beautiful glistening in the sun....

Photos by SWAC Girl


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I was so excited to see the snow, too!

  2. Wasn't it beautiful, Joy? I amended my post because the "measurable" part may have sounded too optimistic since it was really just a dusting ... but it covered the ground and that was what counted!

    When the first real snow comes along we will be ready!

  3. It is a good thing we have Global Warming. Imagine how much snow we would have without it.
    Is it winter yet? How often do we get snow as early as November
