Friday, November 07, 2008

GOP ... my Mom is for Sarah Palin in 2012

People are cutting their McCain-Palin bumper stickers in half and leaving the "Palin" part on their vehicles. The buzz is about 2012 ... Sarah for President!

My mom is mad as a wet hen about the way Sarah Palin has been treated in the media and by the McCain staffers who have been trashing her and not standing up in her defense.

Mom wrote a letter to John McCain's campaign manager and read it to me on the phone tonight. She called it, "Bashing of Sarah Palin by enemies from within."

She began:
"My husband and I are life-long conservatives and Republicans. We are in our early 80s and remember the Depression and World War II well. I graduated from high school on D-Day and my husband left college and went into the Navy in early 1945.

"My brothers were 'drafted' and one of them was killed in Germany, after fighting as a foot soldier with the Texas 36th Division - for 15 long, hellish months, from the lower corner of Italy to Rome (eight months) then from the French Riviera all the way up through France to Germany (another seven months).

"He spent Christmas 1943 in the mud and snow in Italy ... and a picture of him and other survivors of the Battle of San Pietro -- sitting and standing around their dead that they had carried down from the fighting in the mountains near San Pietro -- hangs on the wall of the Texas military museum in Austin.

"He spent Christmas of 1944 in Strasburg, France ... and was killed on March 21, 1945 (just six weeks before the war in Europe ended) as they were going through the Siegfried Line into Germany.

"My husband and I love this country and are very patriotic. As you may imagine, we have great admiration for John McCain and for what he suffered for our country.

"However, we did not think he was the best candidate the Republican Party could offer to be our presidential candidate. ... When we were down to the wire and McCain was the only one left, we decided that he was our candidate and we would support him. Like many of our Republican friends, we were very disheartened and discouraged ... then Sarah Palin burst on the scene and, for the very first time, we were energized and felt we could win the election."
Mom's not one to mince words ... guess that's where I get it. Her generation has a way of telling it like it is ... and so Mom continued in her comments written to John McCain's campaign manager:
"YOU were in charge of the campaign and YOU allowed Sarah Palin to be thrown to the wolves, starting with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric -- of all people! ...

"We now hear from reporters that some in the campaign did not like Sarah from the very beginning, which explains everything. ... As the campaign manager, you should never have allowed Sarah to be sullied by the jealousy of a bunch of nasty little twerps who betrayed her and all of her followers...."
Guess Mom's like me or, more accurately, I'm like her ... loyalty is more than just a word.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I agree: Palin 2012! I highly recommend this short, hilarious youtube video, Blame Game : Et tu, Palin? Palin 2012

    I'm so upset. He treated Palin like a Pitbull with lipstick and it backfired when he got bit trying to put the muzzle on.

    You go girl in 2012!

  2. Anonymous12:22 AM

    The Democrats are giddy with the thought that the GOP will run the divisive Palin, again and again!

    Get a clue!

    Palin was just a gimmick; a gimmick that backfired.

    America simply no longer trusts the Republican Party to lead. They honored McCain for his service to our country, but his credentials along with the gimmick value of Palin, was not enough to overcome the negative inertia from eight years of Bush-Neocons and the trillion dollar petro-wars.

    The despicably bigoted behavior by many high profile GOP members during this last campaign didn't win any hearts, either.

    The fiscal conservatives have left.

    The social moderates have left.

    Even many of the elderly who fear they will lose their pensions and social security, have given up on the GOP after decades of giving their loyal support.

    All that remains in what was once the Big Tent Republican Party are the Religious Reich and the xenophobes.

    Only by abandoning the politics of fear and returning to the libertarian roots of the Republican Party shall there be even a prayer of any recovery for the once great, Grand Old Party.

  3. Settle down Mr. Ballance. Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican Party. I like that sign SWAC Girl.

    Sarah Palin is the only Republican with a spark of the excitement the Republican Party needs.

  4. I agree with your mom 100%. Her story echoes mine. Go, Lynn's mom, go!

    Say are you parents from Texas? That's where we moved from


  5. Palin Plumber 2012 please.
