Monday, November 10, 2008

Quit the Sarah Palin bashing

Sarah Palin was governing in Alaska, quite effectively, when the national GOP went looking for her help with the presidential ticket.

Her background and resume spoke of a strong leader who went after those in her own Party who had done wrong as well as going after the Democrats. Those were the attributes that were contributed to her when she was chosen as the Vice Presidential pick to run with John McCain.

While at the Republican Convention in Minneapolis in the days following her selection, I couldn't help but wonder how long the admiration would continue from establishment GOP-types. She was basically an outsider from a state that offered three electoral votes. She was a strong woman. She did not walk lock-step with her Party.

What I was wondering at that time has come to be as stories are leaked by staffers from the McCain campaign and, of course, the continued bashing from the media and left-of-center liberals who propose to be for women's rights and equality.

Nothing the Democrats have shown proves they are for women's rights and equality. What they have shown proves they are after an agenda ... their agenda. Sarah Palin does not fit their mold.

Quit the Sarah Palin bashing. It is unbecoming for Republicans and shows a fear of strong women in leadership ... it is unbecoming for Democrats ... it is unbecoming for the media ... and it reflects badly on our country to the rest of the world.

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