Monday, November 10, 2008

Reaganism is not dead

Rush Limbaugh reported on a Scott Rasmussen poll that proved Reaganism is not dead. From
RUSH: Scott Rasmussen has an op-ed piece today in the Wall Street Journal, and it confirms my instincts and it confirms what we've also learned from exit polling. " 'The Polls Show That Reaganism is Not Dead.' -- Down the campaign homestretch, Mr. Obama's tax-cutting promise became his clearest policy position. Eventually he stole the tax issue from the Republicans. Heading into the election, 31% of voters thought that a President Obama would cut their taxes. Only 11% expected a tax cut from a McCain administration. The last Democratic candidate to win the tax issue was also the last Democratic president -- Bill Clinton. In fact, the candidate who most credibly promises the lowest level of taxes has won every presidential election in at least the last 40 years."

Now, here's the thing. We have brewing problems on the right because so many of our so-called intelligentsia are totally misreading the reason for this loss, for this defeat. They're wanting to throw in the towel and become liberal light. The fact is Reaganism hasn't been tried in 20 years. They want to say that the era of Reagan is over.

Rasmussen himself says the polls show that Reaganism is not dead, the Democrats have stolen it. This gives you an idea of just how hapless the Republican Party has become. Now, I know a lot of you are saying, "But Rush, but Rush, McCain was talking tax cuts, and --" He wasn't using numbers! People's attention span is people's attention span. As far as most people that voted believe or are concerned, Obama is going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans. We're running around saying, "Well, that's okay, but 95% don't pay taxes." It doesn't register. Ninety-five percent versus whatever McCain was saying one day and then the next day, and the next day. There was no consistency in the message.

But losing the tax cut issue and then thinking conservatism is dead when Obama, one of the reasons he gets elected is because he's perceived as the number one tax cutter of the two candidates. I mean is that incompetence or ineptness on our side or what? To lose it to a socialist! To lose the tax cut argument to a socialist. Now, if he follows through and starts raising taxes on people, then there's going to be a little hell to pay because people do think that Obama was a tax cutter, and not just raising taxes on the rich. Ninety-five percent of Americans are going to get a tax cut and we'll see how he manages to pull this off. He can do that. He can create the illusion of that with the redistribution of wealth, spreading it around.
Election 2008 is but a bump in the road. New conservative leaders will rise from the ashes of this election.

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