Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sarah Palin has the liberals scared

I have seen it for myself on my blog ... the liberal commenters who have left scathing and even nasty comments about Sarah Palin, often using a taunting theme of "go ahead and run her ... we like to see the Republicans lose."

To the Democrats I say ... me thinks thou doeth protest too much.

Jacob Laksin, senior editor for FrontPage Magazine, feels the same way. In Smearing Sarah, he writes about the taunts and outright lies by liberals, and the McCain staffer leaks including the disingenious consultant who described the Palin family as “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast.” My, aren't they condescending?

But the bottom line is ... those smears are meant to stop the growing support for a woman who has been embraced by the conservative base of the Republican Party. Laksin wrote:
No mystery surrounds the Left’s hatred of Palin. She energized a Republican Party that was at best halfhearted about its presidential nominee, attracting thousands to her rallies (a late October rally in Missouri brought out at least 13,000 Palin supporters, numbers rivaled only by Barack Obama himself) and almost single-handedly nullifying Obama’s expected poll bounce following the Democratic National Convention.

It bears remembering that the one and only time that McCain pulled even with Obama in the race was after Palin’s addition to the ticket. One wouldn’t expect Democrats to admire these achievements. Less clear is why the McCain’s campaign operatives should find them so blameworthy.
Sarah Palin was governing in Alaska when the national GOP came calling. One suspects the RNC knew they had a problem on their hands ... after all, John McCain's campaign had floated the idea of Joe Lieberman as a vice presidential pick, something that probably would have sunk the campaign once and for all. But when Sarah Palin was chosen, an enthusiasm -- it could be better described as euphoria -- swept through Republican ranks and John McCain, disdained by many, was carried along with Sarah's popularity.

Laksin discussed that:
For her services to the McCain campaign, Palin has been mocked as an intellectual lightweight and faux-populist, tarred as a religious fanatic and a secessionist, dismissed as a McCarthyite demagogue and declared nothing less than the enemy of reason. In the New York Times, David Brooks wrote that she “represents a fatal cancer to the Republican party,” a charge echoed in the Economist, which accused her of “bringing out the worst in her party.” A marginal but much-noticed chorus of “Obamacons,” including most prominently Christopher Buckley, son of the late William F. Buckley, publically turned against McCain for no other reason than a felt dislike for his vice presidential pick.
The naysayers are running scared. Perhaps they feel if they do not destroy Sarah now, she will emerge to fight them another day. Meanwhile, liberals and Obama supporters continue to look down their noses at Sarah supporters and conservative Republicans. Though we are encouraged to be a Big Tent, they want to squash down the opinions and enthusiasm of a huge section of our Party ... much like knocking out the center pole of the Tent.

I encourage you to read the entire article by Jacob Laksin ... Smearing Sarah.

Scan through the SWAC Girl blog to read about various rallies nationwide that brought out thousands to see Sarah Palin. Two local stories are:

- Mom at the Sarah Palin Rally in Henrico!!
- Tom Sheets ... the man behind "I Am Voting For The Chick!"

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