Monday, November 17, 2008

So you want change? Begin with these ...

This opinion piece by Norma White at offers some ideas on "change" in America. Though the column came out in October, it is still relevant.

Norma's first four suggestions have to do with Congress:
- Limit Congress from serving more than two terms. That is all that presidents are allowed.

- Stop Congress from voting for their own raises. How did that ever get started?
Stop paying for lawmakers' high-priced insurance premiums. After all, they are only part-time employees. They might pass some law changes on the insurance companies, if they had to find one.

- Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after serving just one term, or at retirement. We need to get rid of that pension plan; they've let other companies get rid of theirs. You were lucky to get 40 to 50 percent of your salary after working somewhere for 35 years, but they get 100 percent.

- Make Congress pay into the Social Security system. They make laws for it. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.
Check out her other suggestions here.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Amen, especially the first idea. I have been saying that for years.

  2. Joy, Ms. White does indeed have some common sense suggestions that would be a sound basis to getting back on track in this country.
