Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving TV ads will show support for Sarah Palin

Statement on Thanksgiving ad campaign honoring Gov. Sarah Palin...

(SACRAMENTO) -- The New York Times has reported on their Caucus Blog about an upcoming television ad campaign thanking and defending the honor and character of Governor Sarah Palin. The pro-Palin television ad campaign will air nationwide around the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

The pro-Palin ad campaign is a project of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee which raised approximately $1.3 million during the general election to support the McCain/Palin ticket and oppose the Obama/Biden ticket.

The Our Country Deserves Better Committee will be filming the ad next Monday, November 17, 2008, and had not planned to announce the new ad campaign until around the time of the film shoot or post-production of the ad. However, a reporter for the New York Times is on the committee's email list, and when she contacted the organization, we decided to cooperate with the Times.

The ad is being produced specifically to honor, thank and defend Gov. Sarah Palin in the wake of several unfavorable media reports which included criticism from anonymous sources.

The members and supporters of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee have been impressed with Gov. Palin's honor, candor and dignity during the recent presidential campaign. We applaud the way in which she has generally articulated her conservative viewpoints with an optimistic and hopeful style similar to President Ronald Reagan.

Further news releases and information about the upcoming ad campaign honoring Gov. Sarah Palin will follow in the days to come.

[This press statement was received from Our Country Deserves Better.]


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA, of course they are running an ad! If they don't, they need to donate the money to another campaign fund for sarah, and everyone in their right mind (I know, not you) doesn't want that.

    God, stop fluffing her and let her slink away back to no man's land where she belongs. i thought you said you wanted to WIN, Lynne.

  2. Anonymous (nice to see that you can't even take a couple seconds to just make a pseudonym to post under), I think you don't get it. McCain/Palin may have lost due to the rough political atmosphere around Republicans. They may have lost because of John McCain, who has always made an effort to tweak the noses of Republicans and flaunt it. But Sarah Palin is quite possibly the only reason the Republican ticket had any life left by the time Election Day rolled around. Pick a different topic to troll, because this is not one you will have any success with.

  3. CR, you put it well ... thank you. I agree with your assessment.
