Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day message from Sen. Mark Obenshain

Amidst the hubbub of our busy lives, I hope you will join me today in taking a moment to remember our veterans. In an era of financial unrest, global conflict, and political uncertainty, we all too often lose sight of what matters most: not politics, industry, or the other forces that occupy so much of our time, but people. Today is a day set aside to recognize our fellow citizens who have served in this country's military, and who have fought in our nation's wars. Their courage, dedication, and love of country are an inspiration to us all.

Anyone who has been to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. or stood before the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond can attest to the many monuments dedicated to the veterans of the U.S. Armed Services, yet the greatest monument is not constructed of ivory or granite, and the most fitting tribute is not chiseled in stone. To paraphrase a turn-of-the-century American congressman and poet, the most enduring monument to their service is the freedom for which they fought and the country they thereby wrought.

Many of us have never worn the uniform, but each of us owes an incalculable debt to those who have. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the over 730,000 veterans who make Virginia their home and to encourage you to take this opportunity to thank a veteran you know for the freedom we all enjoy in this great country.


Mark Obenshain
26th Senate District

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