Monday, January 19, 2009

1st annual SGP Twitterball for conservatives - Jan. 20

Smart Girl Politics, of which SWAC Girl is a proud member, is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 1st Annual SGP Twitterball on January 20, 2009, at 9:00 PM EST.

Twitterball is a virtual party for the entire Conservative online community.

SGP Leadership team has been hard at work behind the scenes. We are pleased to announce that we have some of the best and brightest in the Republican party joining us for this tremendous event.
Saul Anuzis, Republican National Committee Chairman Candidate
Chip Saltsman, Republican National Committee Chairman Candidate
Sharon Day, Republican National Committee Secretary Candidate
Michelle Malkin, columnist and Fox News Contributor
Amanda Carpenter, columnist and regular on Bill O'Reilly
S.E. Cupp, author and columnist
In addition to this great talent, we have also brought together the leadership of some of the top Conservative Grassroots Organizations online such as Dontgo, The New Republicans, Rebuild the Party, and TCOT. Not to mention, the leadership of Smart Girl Politics.

Please find below the agenda for the evening which will help guide you through the event. For more information about the event, please visit our main network site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stacy Mott at or on Twitter @SGPolitics.

Agenda For the Twitterball

Main Ballroom
9:00 Introduction to #sgpball
9:15 Presentations begin in alternate ballrooms-Host will direct guests
9:20 Discussion by Smart Girl Politics and The New Republicans

#sgp1994 (The Gingrich Room)
9:15 Introduction of Topic: How can groups like SGP and TCOT counter the Democrats online presence and circumvent the mainstream media?
9:20 Discussion by Michael Leahy
9:35 Discussion by Chip Saltsman

#sgp2010 (Take Back Congress)
9:15 Introduction of Topic B: How do women such as those on SGP get more involved in the Republican party and help contribute effectively to a GOP victory in 2010?
9:20 Discussion by Tabitha Hale
9:35 Discussion by RNC Secretary Candidate Sharon Day

#sgp1980 (The Reagan Room)
9:15 Introduction of Topic C: How can groups like SGP and Rebuildtheparty reach out to the next generation of conservative voters? How do we reach translate internet supporters into real world supporters?
9:20 Discussion by Mindy Finn
9:35 Discussion by Amanda Carpenter

#sgp2012 (Take Back Presidency)
9:15 Introduction of Topic D:How do groups like SGP and #dontgo communicate to their candidates that tech like social media is the future? How can we get more GOP politicians to engage?
9:20 Discussion by Eric Odom
9:35 Discussion by Saul Anuzis

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