Monday, January 12, 2009

Brit Hume's interview with Presidents Bush (dad & son)

President George W. Bush and former President George H.W. Bush sat down with Fox News Channel's Brit Hume on Sunday in an honest discussion about the war in Iraq, non-ending attacks on the President from the left, and plans for the future.

Father and son, who have obvious admiration for one another, are members of that extremely small fraternity of Americans who have held the highest elected office in the land.

The political divisiveness was an important topic with both Bushes:
The president's father, former President George H.W. Bush, became emotional when assessing his son's tenure.

"You can make a tough decision and stay with it," he told his son before turning to Hume in the White House Diplomatic Room. "And he's been tested unlike any other president with 9/11. So he passed the test."

He said political invective has "gotten worse" since his days in the White House, adding: "It's offensive, very offensive."

The younger Bush agreed. "The biggest disappointment in the political process, that's been this kind of bitterness by a few people to the point where they don't want to have a logical discussion or a civil discussion about policy," he said. "They just want to tear you down."
Read the entire article here.

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