Sunday, January 04, 2009

Facts are stubborn things ... and some liberals ignore them

While calling me a liar because I brought up the vandalism that occurred in the White House in 2001 during the transition between the Clinton and Bush administrations, a local lib cited a source from "FAIR" that supposedly debunked the reports. It especially raked Fox News over the coals because they had reported about vandalism in the White House and on Air Force One that was caused by Clinton staffers.

* The report the lib cited from "FAIR" was dated 5/21/01, only four months after the incidents took place. (See more about "FAIR" below.)

* The reports I cited in my post were from a June 2002 extensive report from D.C.'s General Accounting Office which was reported a full year after the incidents had occurred, and after facts had been gathered and evidence noted, as reported in the LA Times, NY Times, and many other news outlets. It is also cited on the "Truth or Fiction" website as "truth."

To make his point, the lib quoted "FAIR." What is "FAIR"? A search of the internet found that it was referred to as:
... a tax-exempt "media watchdog" organization founded in 1986 by radical activist Jeff Cohen, who regards the Democratic Party as "right wing."
Read the rest of the report from "Discover the ... a Guide to the Radical Left."


  1. Notice how Cobalt demands that you set up an account just to comment on his/her hyperbole and BS.....

  2. Yes and, yet, the libs have the nerve to criticize me because I moderate comments to this blog, something that grew out of necessity because of the foul language and character assassinations they wrote. Daily Kos picked up one of my posts last week, and one of the comments complained that I moderate responses.

    The left-wing Huffington Post “moderates” comments and Daily Kos bans anyone who isn’t part of the group-think. In the words of another conservative blogger, "It’s right out of Saul Alinsky’s rule for radicals: Demand that right-wing sites have free speech, but bar anything on left-wing sites that might encourage people to question the dogma."

    And the beat goes on....

    Happy New Year to you and yours!
