Friday, January 16, 2009

President Bush: "Never tire, never falter, never fail"

"We have faced danger and trial, and there's more ahead. But with the courage of our people and confidence in our ideals, this great nation will never tire, never falter and never fail."

You may not agree with some of the tough decisions I have made, but I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions."

-- President George W. Bush
Farewell Remarks - January 15, 2009

President George W. Bush
President George W. Bush addressed the nation one final time Thursday night, summing up his eight years in office, unapologetic for making the tough decisions throughout the years -- often unpopular decisions.
Thankfully, he was a parent to this country, making those tough decisions much as parents have to make while raising children, causing them to be unpopular in the eyes of their children at times but, in the end, those decisions helped make the children better people.

In this case, the President made us a safer people ... holding off terrorist attacks ... but warning terrorism is still looming and we must never let down our guard.
"Our enemies are patient and determined to strike again. America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict. But we have been given solemn responsibilities, and we must meet them. We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard," he said.
Thank you, President Bush.
More in a later post....


  1. To George W. Bush and his ilk:
    See you in court, criminals.
    It is the job of each patriot to see that this man and his cronies are held to account for their crimes and the incalculable damage they have done to our nation.

  2. His speech had that "well, I'm finished and I am outa here" appeal....

    Kestrel, although Bush wasn't the best president (too much like Chamberlain for my tastes) he did not break any laws.

    I challenge you to name one, just ONE specific law that President Bush broke.

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Amen, I agree. Thank you, President Bush.

  4. I tend to agree with kestrel9000 at least in part on the substantive issue, but disagree with the alluded-to procedural remedy and completely with his communication on the matter.

    I think there is a case to be made for the investigation of, if not, the filing of legal charges of war crimes having been committed by high-level officials of the present Bush administration. If war crimes have been committed they are crimes against humanity and I believe a matter for international adjudication.

    Under no circumstances do I believe political partisans, domestic would-be patriots or the new administration and its Justice Department should pursue war crimes trials domestically. Again this is a matter for international inspection and action if a matter worthy of attention at all. And I believe it is…

    I have become increasingly disappointed with the general communication, demeanor, and language of kestrel’s blog, The coverage of this matter through a response to this thread over the last day or so as well as an altogether inappropriate characterization of Congressman Goodlatte following his (what I consider to be a wrong) vote in the last week related to state child health insurance are clear and unfortunate examples of what I am referring to.

    Thank you for the opportunity to engage in this discussion.

  5. Harkonnen:
    FISA laws, for one.
    Wiretapping without gaining warrants through the existing FISA systems.
    Massive data collection through the telcos. If his executive order to that effect was directing them to undertake legal activity, why then was immunity pursued?

    the American Bar Association, in February 13, 2006, issued a statement denouncing the warrantless domestic surveillance program, accusing Bush of exceeding his powers under the Constitution. Their analysis opines that the key arguments advanced by the Bush administration are not compatible with the law. David S. Kris and five former FISC judges, one of whom resigned in protest, have also voiced their doubts as to the legality of a program bypassing FISA.

    For starters.
    And I have no doubt there will be more to come in days ahead.
    This is necessary, if we are to be a nation of laws, not of men.

  6. Another crime of the Bush Administration:
    Authorizing detention of an American citizen, a civilian, apprehended on American soil, in a military facility for years without charges, trial, or access to counsel.

  7. Kestrel:

    Nope, you still didn't answer my question. Name the specific law, and the code of such, and prove to us what law President Bush violated.

    See, I already know that you can't answer my question. just give up and admit that you really don't know.
