Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DJ McGuire announces candidacy for Spotsylvania BOS

After dealing with his own property tax issues in Spotsylvania County in the past, and after watching the Board of Supervisors raise taxes on an annual basis, a well-known blogger in the Virginia blogosphere has decided to throw his hat in the ring as a candidate.

DJ McGuire of the Right-Wing Liberal blog made his decision official on Tuesday. He has quite an impressive resume:
D.J. McGuire is a married father of three. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the College of William and Mary, and a Master’s Degree in Economics from Georgetown University. A cost estimator for nearly ten years, Mr. McGuire has worked with several clients (all agencies in the Department of Defense) to help hold down cost to the taxpayer and ensure accurate estimating.

D.J. was also an Adjunct Professor in Economics at Germanna Community College (2007-8), where he enjoyed sharing his experience and his knowledge with the next generation of Americans.

D.J.’s grandfather, Michael McGuire, was President of the Elizabeth, NJ, City Council, and was an ardent defender of the taxpayer during the dozen years he served as City Councilman. It is that respect for the taxpayer that D.J. will bring to the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors.
DJ has mentioned his grandfather during comments on my blog about the current real estate assessment battle in Augusta County. His grandfather was a staunch anti-tax conservative Democrat, a fact not lost on him as he hears the only Augusta BOS member, a Democrat, lead the fight for the little guy.

Learn more about DJ's issues here. Go here if you would like to contribute to his campaign.

It's time Republicans once again become the Party of less government and less spending, of lower taxes and free enterprise. It's time we got back to the tenets of the Republican Creed including:
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government.
"ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT" ... that means at the local level, too.

DJ McGuire for Supervisor. It's time.

1 comment:

  1. What IS up with local Republicans? Particularly as regards the reassessment in Augusta County.

    BTW, went to my mother's appeal today (I'm her POA) and was nicely blown off. They seem to believe their DOUBLING of overall land value is justified as "they aren't making any more of it."

    There might be nothing to it, but there's a reason to this somewhere and that reason would most likely be monetary. So, for whom exactly, is the doubling of ALL land values a benefit?
