Thursday, February 05, 2009

Million Gun Owner March in D.C. planned for spring 2010

Michigan Takes Lead in Organizing National Gun Rights Rally

The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, the largest state-based firearms advocacy group in America, is laying the groundwork for a national rally in Washington D.C. next spring. The Million Gun Owner March will demonstrate broad national support for the recognition--and preservation--of the Second Amendment.

Registration for the Million Gun Owner March begins Friday, February 6, 2009.

"In the wake of last spring's D.C. vs. Heller U.S. Supreme Court decision which protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for private use and the renewed importance placed on the issue of gun rights across the country, the time is ideal for this historic gathering of gun owners at our national and state capitols," stated State Senator Alan Cropsey (R-DeWitt), a member of the MCRGO Board of Directors.

"Our lawmakers need to understand that America's gun owners come from all races, genders, political viewpoints and economic backgrounds," added Chuck Perricone, MCRGO's Executive Director.

The Million Gun Owner March is the brainchild of Michigan based author and Second Amendment advocate, Skip Coryell. Mr. Coryell recognized the need to speak up after receiving an e-mail from a distraught woman in Belgium who related the story of a knife attack at a daycare facility in that country following a draconian gun ban that left staff helpless. Many gun owners have expressed fears in recent months that legislation to restrict access to firearms for personal defense may soon be introduced in Congress and state legislatures.

"This is the beginning of a period of historic change in our nation's history and it is no time for the timid. This is a time for brave men and women to stand up and be counted. We want our children to inherit the same freedom our forefathers know. Freedom has to be protected or it will fail. We are at a crossroads. The time to act is now," explained Mr. Coryell.

Rock-n-roll legend and Second Amendment activist Ted Nugent reinforced MCRGO's efforts by adding his enthusiastic support for the march: "A Million Gun Owner March on Washington, DC, in the Spring of 2010 is indeed building much steam across the hinterland. All pro-Second amendment groups must be on board and perfectly coordinated. I would be proud to rally, promote, lead and speak to whatever degree the people so honor me with."

MCRGO is building partnerships with a variety of organizations around the country to plan the Million Gun Owner March in Washington for the spring of 2010. The day long rally will occur simultaneously with events at state capitols all over the United States and in many local communities. People interested in receiving more information about the event and volunteering to be a local organizer can register at beginning Friday, February 6, 2009. Questions regarding the event can be directed to Skip Coryell.

"Michigan is enthusiastic about taking the lead role in organizing this march," said State Representative Joel Sheltrown (D-West Branch), the First Vice Chair of MCRGO. "We have already seen an outpouring of community interest and support for this effort from churches to union halls in every corner of our state. I encourage Michigan gun owners to help make history by offering their help for the Million Gun Owner March."

H/T to DD


  1. Here are some links behind this:
    (under construction)

    Hope this helps

  2. Thanks, Cargosquid! Great resources. The Million Gun Owner March site is expected to be up and running tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 6).

    Hope you're doing well.

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I've updated the link.
