Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rush receives "Defender of the Constitution" award at CPAC

At the conclusion of Rush Limbaugh's remarks today to those attending the CPAC convention, remarks that were originally to last 20 minutes but ended up lasting one hour 50 minutes -- remarks that were met with cheers, standing ovations, chants of "USA! USA!" and "Rush! Rush!" -- he was presented with CPAC's "Defender of the Constitution" award -- an original framed document signed by Benjamin Franklin.

The presenter said that Rush does for America what Benjamin Franklin did for our Founding Fathers. It was an award well deserved.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    If the president were a captain of a ship and Rush was on board, he wouldn't just be thrown over he would be keel hauled then thrown over.

  2. I just love comments from the "tolerant" side of the aisle....

  3. Wait...just so we are clear, Lynn, you are outright admitting that the right is intolerant, correct? Thanks for being so honest.

  4. If the president were the captain of a ship...

    ...and the financial crisis is an iceberg...'s going to be 'A Night to Remember!'

    There are some things that should NOT be tolerated. Case in point, if we have historic evidence of reckless government spending prolonging recession or even causing depression, should we tolerate reckless government spending?

  5. Did you just spin yourself awake from a deep slumber that spanned the last eight years?

  6. Anonymous1:03 AM

    So Benjamin Franklin didn't know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence either? For some reason, Rush thinks that the preamble to the Constitution grants us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Kind of embarrassing that your great "Defender of the Constitution" gets tripped up by the easy stuff. Think he's ever actually read it?
