Friday, March 06, 2009

Augusta reassessment to be certified today

The Waynesboro News Virginian is reporting that Augusta County is moving forward with certifying real estate reassessment. As reported today:
The seven members of the Augusta County Board of Assessors are scheduled to sign and certify the Augusta County reassessment at 1 p.m. today, just five days before petitions calling for a rollback are to be presented to supervisors.

Next week’s supervisors meeting – expected to be a showdown between angry taxpayers and supervisors – did not affect the timing of certification, assessors board co-Chairman Walter Brown said Thursday.
The board of assessors, which was granted a certification extension, is required to sign the reassessment by March 31.

Supervisor Tracy Pyles said the board could have waited until after the public meeting.
“Obviously there was some effort to get it done before March 11, which I think is unfortunate when you have that many people wanting to be heard,” Pyles said. “I think this has been a very rushed bit of work … It’s just a hot potato that they’re flipping out of their hands … I hope there’s still some options available for us.”
Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting will see county residents concerned about their increased real estate assessments attending to speak out and be heard at a time when many are feeling disenfranchised by their elected representatives.

Click here for more information about Augusta Citizens Against Unfair Assessments, to sign the petition, and information about Wednesday's meeting.

Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!

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