Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Goodlatte supports freezing government spending

Press release from Congressman Bob Goodlatte's office....

Washington, DC – Today Congressman Bob Goodlatte voted in support of the motion to recommit which would freeze federal government discretionary spending at its current level. During debate on a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through early next week when it is expected that Democrats in Congress will push through a $410 billion omnibus spending bill, Rep. Goodlatte voted in support of the Republican alternative which would fund the government at current levels for the rest of the fiscal year.

In these challenging economic times it is even more important for government to control spending. The federal government must work to both eliminate every cent of waste and squeeze every cent of value out of each dollar our citizens entrust to it. American families and small businesses across this country are making sacrifices and cutting expenses and it is time the federal government did the same.

“The government has been operating under last year’s funding levels for nearly six months now, since the beginning of the fiscal year on October 1, 2008,” said Rep. Goodlatte. “Freezing discretionary spending at these levels for the rest of the fiscal year is the most appropriate way to move forward and an important piece to putting Washington’s fiscal house in order.”

The bloated omnibus spending bill, which already passed the House without Congressman Goodlatte’s support, is expected to pass the Senate next week and will fund the government through September 30, 2009. This legislation represents the largest increase in nonemergency federal spending since the 1970s. It includes an 8.7% increase in federal government spending which translates into a $30 billion increase over last year’s spending level.

Goodlatte continued, “More pork barrel spending is not what we need to get our economy back on track. The American taxpayer should not be forced to shoulder the burden of more wasteful government spending. Instead Congress must be willing to make the necessary and hard choices to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. That’s why I strongly support freezing federal government discretionary spending at their current levels. Upholding the principles of fiscal responsibility and ensuring that the hard-earned dollars of taxpayers are spent responsibly are the only ways to strengthen our workforce, grow our economy and keep America competitive.”

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