Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rob Schilling ... welcome to the ODBA!

Rob Schilling is a multi-faceted man ... conservative radio talk show host, former Charlottesville City Councilman, blogger, husband, dad, teacher, Christian rock musician, business owner, real estate investor, and all-around conservative defender of freedom.

I posted about Rob in October of 2007:
A native of southern California, Rob relocated to Charlottesville in 1998 to enjoy what he describes as the idyllic lifestyle of our area. In addition to being an accomplished musican and singer-songwriter, Rob is also a savvy businessman.

In 2002, Rob was elected to the City Council as its lone Republican. A staunch defender of freedom, property rights and responsible, accountable government, Rob tirelessly fought for intelligent financial management and transparency in all City affairs.

In 2006, Rob fought for a controversial elected school board referendum, against seemingly overwhelming opposition, from entrenched political interests. In the end, with Rob's leadership, the measure passed by a significant margin, and local parents have been grateful.

Along with his wife Joan, and their son, Gabriel, Rob has made a distinctive and positive contribution to life in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
We're honored to welcome Rob to the Old Dominion Blog Alliance as another of the growing number of right-of-center bloggers.

We are the ODBA!

Photo Credit WINA Radio

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