Monday, March 09, 2009

Smart Girl Politics ... a coalition of conservative women bloggers

Created by Stacy Mott to provide a forum for conservative women bloggers, Smart Girl Politics has mushroomed into a gathering spot for conservative issues including encouraging nationwide Tea Parties planned for April 15, 2009 and Smart Girl Summit 2009 to be held September 18 in Nashville, TN.

From the Smart Girl Politics website:
Smart Girl Politics has now surpassed 1200 members here on our main site. We could not be more excited to say "Thank You" for your support, hard work, and dedication to SGP.

We have been working hard behind the scenes to keep the momentum of the latest events going. We have quietly launched our new SGP site, While we still have many things to add to the site, we wanted all of you to have the opportunity to check it out.

We would also like to announce three major events that Smart Girl Politics will be sponsoring this year. In addition to campaiging for our favorite candidates, these events are planned to bring SGP members together as a community.
Michelle Malkin is a member of the Smart Girl community ... pop on over and check it out!

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