"You motivated us to come out."
That was just one of many comments that were passed along to Churchville attorney Francis Chester at Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in Augusta County. Folks were grateful for a leader who took a stand for them. Phone calls, mailed notes, emails ... all have been flooding into Mr. Chester's law office the past six weeks.
At Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting, many stopped by Mr. Chester's seat to thank him while others talked with him in the hallway.
"You motivated us to come out."
Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!
Photo by Kurt Michael
March 11, 2009
That was just one of many comments that were passed along to Churchville attorney Francis Chester at Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in Augusta County. Folks were grateful for a leader who took a stand for them. Phone calls, mailed notes, emails ... all have been flooding into Mr. Chester's law office the past six weeks.
At Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting, many stopped by Mr. Chester's seat to thank him while others talked with him in the hallway.
"You motivated us to come out."
Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!
Photo by Kurt Michael
March 11, 2009
I don't know what to say; I guess I have a feeling of both pride, disappointment and anger. Pride in seeing all of our people come together to fight for what is right. Disappointment and anger in that we seem to have a government that could care less. This is the first time ever that the Verona Government Center justified it's existence, just for the BOS members to tell every one in the county to F-off. They decided to hide behind laws to justify their opinion... I wonder how many members of the Nazi party said the same thing. The only thing these people want is money and they don't care how many people they hurt, or destroy, to get it. I can say this because I don't even know if I'll be here next year; I've lost my job, no one is hiring, and now the BOS just added two mortgage payments a year to my bill. I'm so angry I don't know what to do; these people are the closest things to tyrants that I've even met face-to-face.
ReplyDeleteThe only left to do is vote them out. The time for talk is over; we need to get rid of these people at the next election. If you've got a fox in the chicken house you don't wait around and hope the fox will change it ways, you get rid of it. It's too bad that we have to live with these tyrants for two more years, but that's the price we'll have to pay for voting them in. The BOS should take a look at what happened to the government of Harrisonburg when they put that golf course in.
And what about our re-appraisals? Both me and my sister where told that we would have new ones done and have yet to hear anything, but BRMA claims they are done.
I would say more, but what's use; our government doesn't care anymore - all they care about is money and THAT'S IT! The rest of us can rote in hell for all they care... just as long as we give them all our money before we go there.
Angry? That would be an understatement!
These guys and the ENTIRE government need to get a CLEAR MESSAGE now that this is not going to be tolerated...and you have to mean it!!
ReplyDeleteYour working 7 months of the year to pay all the government along the way and this is insane!
You have become a SLAVE to the SYSTEM and YOU have to say NO MORE!
These guys and the ENTIRE government need to get a CLEAR MESSAGE now that this is not going to be tolerated...and you have to mean it!!
ReplyDeleteYour working 7 months of the year to pay all the government along the way and this is insane!
You have become a SLAVE to the SYSTEM and YOU have to say NO MORE!