Thursday, April 09, 2009

Del. Rob Bell updates veto session

From Delegate Rob Bell....
Veto session!

On Wednesday, the General Assembly reconvened to consider Governor Kaine's vetoes and amendments.

The highest-profile proposal was Kaine's push to expand Virginia's Unemployment Compensation program. President Obama had offered Virginia a one-time incentive in the stimulus package, but Virginia could only receive these funds if we agreed to make permanent changes to Virginia's Unemployment Compensation program. As soon as the Federal dollars ran out, these permanent changes would force employers to pay higher taxes for each employee.
I voted against this expensive proposal, which was defeated by a 53-46 vote.

I believe that unemployed workers don't want a hand-out, they want a job. The last thing we should do is raise taxes that make it more expensive for small businesses to hire someone. Virginia's pro-business environment encourages employers to move here, and makes it easier for employers to keep or expand their workforce. Bringing our business climate closer to that of Michigan or Ohio would slow Virginia's recovery and make it harder for unemployed Virginians to find jobs.

As you might imagine, Governor Kaine's proposal was also opposed by almost every business group in Virginia, including local and state chambers of commerce and the NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses).

Governor Kaine took other actions, including vetoes to bills that would expand the death penalty to those who kill fire marshals, auxiliary police officers, and auxiliary deputy sheriffs. The House did vote to override this veto, but it was sustained in the Senate.

If you wish to look at the status of any bills, you can find them on the Assembly website.

There was a great letter to the editor this week from Cindy Burket. Click here to read her kind words!
Del. Bell's campaign is underway for the November election.

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