Thursday, April 02, 2009

NRA: Pro-gun measures become law

From the National Rifle Association....

House Bill 2144 and Senate Bill 1513/House Bill 1655 have been signed into law.

HB2114, introduced by State Delegate David Nutter (R-7), was signed into law on Friday, March 27. This bill will restrict access to the Virginia concealed carry permit holder list maintained by the Virginia State Police, making that information confidential. The only information that would be allowed to be released to the general public would be non-identifying statistical information. In a violation of privacy, the Roanoke Times abused this data by creating a public online database with information on Virginia’s Right-to-Carry permit holders, allowing criminals and thieves to target homes that contain firearms.

Signed on Monday, March 30, SB1513/HB1655, sponsored by State Senator Ralph Smith (R-22) and State Delegate Charles Carrico (R-5), states that a court may award reasonable attorney fees, expenses, and court costs to any entity that prevails in an action challenging an ordinance, resolution, motion, or administrative action as being in conflict with a locality's authority to control firearms. Thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call in support of HB2114 and SB1513/HB1655. Without you, this victory would not have been possible.

As we reported, Governor Tim Kaine (D) vetoed a number of important pro-gun bills (Senate Bill 1035, Senate Bill 877, Senate Bill 1528, House Bill 1851, and House Bill 2528) just last week. Please click here to learn more about theses bills.

Please contact your state legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to override the Governor’s veto on SB1035, SB877, SB1528, HB1851, and HB2528 when they reconvene to override vetoes on Wednesday, April 8. Contact information for your State Senator or Delegate can be found by clicking here.

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