Friday, April 03, 2009

Running out of ammo

I've been hearing from friends about the ammunition shortages that are occurring. Some blame it on the war, some blame it on hoarding ... but whatever it is, some kinds of ammo are in short supply.

In Ohio a firearms instructor is having difficulty keeping enough ammunition in stock:
Firearms instructor Ron Herman can't seem to keep enough ammunition on hand for his monthly National Rifle Association pistol-training class.

An increase in demand for ammo and resulting shortages have caused the group for the first time to re-evaluate whether it will be able to hold the gun classes, he said.

"The ammo is being snapped up as soon as it comes in," the North Side resident said. "The potential for new gun laws has the Average Joe saying, 'I've got to get mine before the gun laws change and I can't get (ammunition).'

"It's kind of like that run on Elmo dolls. People are in a frenzy."

Bullets are running low throughout central Ohio as a nationwide ammunition shortage hits the area.
Online ammo stores that normally have huge supplies and never run out ... are out or running low. Hopefully, manufacturing will catch up with the demand.

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