Friday, May 15, 2009

Augusta County resident: "I'm waiting for the election"

Got a phone call this morning from an Augusta County resident who had gone through the real estate assessment battle earlier this year.

He called to say he had received a pink letter from the county informing him the assessments were finished and the rate had been set, and if he had questions to contact them.

His response: "No thanks. I'm waiting for the election."


  1. I bet a lot of people's taxes were like mine. My main house, my home, the taxes went down because of new rate. My land more than doubled. Between the 2, I am going to just about have the same tax bill.
    I am sure the supervisors know this. They know that the budget is going to be balanced on the backs of the farmers, and landowners. They also know that most of the people, who just own a house, got a tax decrease.

  2. People vote in many ways and I think the current crop of the Augusta County BOS will see an obove average turnout at the next election and it won't be for them. For those that attended the big meeting on that issue you'll remember that many of the BOS members were no only indignent to the masses, they were out right rude.
