Monday, May 04, 2009

Eric, Jeb, Mitt ... National Council for a New America

Meeting in a family-owned pizza parlor that was packed with an overflow crowd of everyday Americans, Congressman Eric Cantor, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney opened up a conversation with America on Saturday, listening to citizens about their concerns and policy ideas. It was democracy at its best. As they hold more townhall-type meetings, they will continue to connect the people with their government and reinvigorate the conservative movement.

I talked with 7th Congressional District Chairman Linwood Cobb Saturday about the National Council for a New America. His representative is Congressional Republican Whip Eric Cantor, and Linwood was excited about this new venture that would revitalize Republicans outside D.C., going from town to town listening to America.

Check out this video ... check out the website and nominate your town for the National Council for a New America listening tour.

The best for Republicans is yet to come.

Read the official press release at


  1. Which Mitt Romney showed up? Will the same Mitt Romney attend all the meetings?

    This may be more pathos than promise, although I hope it works to good - because it says Republican inside the beltway leadership doesn't know what the Republican message should be. So, they have to pull it together. They have to listen.

    Good leaders would have listened all along - and already know what to do. It isn't "rocket surgery."

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    "The best for Republicans is yet to come" - Sure, it couldn't get any worse for you than it is now!
    Keep rolling out state-wreckers like Mitt Romney and the brother of the ex-prez who is more like the 11th plague of Egypt (Jeb), and I guarantee the Dems will continue to laugh at you in 2010 and 2012. And if you think that 'real' Americans are going to gravitate to Caribou Barbie Palin, I have another dunce cap for you.

    Best regards,
