Friday, May 01, 2009

Luis Padilla ... proud to be an American

Luis Padilla smiled Friday as I took a photo of his America-loving truck and the memorial on the rear window to Lt. Col. Jeff White.

His truck is big ... his love for America bigger. Luis Padilla is a reminder of our respect and admiration for America ... and he is not ashamed to show it.

In the midst of his truck's red, white, and blue American flags, the American eagle, and stars and stripes, he has penned a memorial on the rear window:
"Lt. Col. Jeff White
An American Hero
Jeff White, he told me, was a friend and he was as devastated as the rest of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area when Lt. Col. White unexpectedly passed away six weeks ago of a heart attack while singing in the church choir. He had just returned form a tour of duty in Iraq ... had survived war ... only to return home and die.

God works in mysterious ways....

Some may remember Luis as the man who was unfairly fired from his job in 2006 from Cargill Foods in Harrisonburg for having a message painted on the rear window of his vehicle supporting the Marriage Amendment. After outrage from many throughout the nation, Mr. Padilla was reinstated at Cargill.

My hat is tipped to you, Luis. May God bless America!

Past SWAC Girl posts about Luis Padilla's firing in 2006:

1 comment:

  1. LuisPadilla2:06 PM

    Thank you Lynn
    those are great pictures!
    I'm glad to connect people like you!

    Luis Padilla the conservative guy from the valley
