Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Notre Dame students refuse to attend graduation ... protest Obama

You have to admire their convictions:
Notre Dame University seniors who have decided not to attend their commencement ceremony in protest of the university's decision to grant President Barack Obama an honorary law degree will instead hold a meditation in the university's Grotto of Our Lady Lourdes at 2 p.m. on May 17, to coincide with the official commencement.
ND Response, the student-led coalition that is planning the meditation, says Notre Dame should not be honoring a political figure who supports abortion and stem cell research.

"It's not a political issue; this is an issue of human dignity, and it's a Catholic issue," said Greer Hannan, a Notre Dame graduating senior. "As a Catholic university, we need to stand up for it."
Here is YouTube video of student response to Barack Obama's invitation to address graduates.

1 comment:

  1. I had hit up this situation before. There are a lot of protests about this situation. I guess they are forgetting that the school was founded as, and remained a Catholic University.
