Sunday, May 17, 2009

"You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion"

So reads one of the protest signs in front of Notre Dame today as the time draws near for Barack Obama to address graduates at their commencement ceremony. Since Friday 40 protesters have been arrested, Dr. Alan Keyes has been held in jail since Friday but has been released and is at the University, and Notre Dame is fully backing the arrest of anyone who steps onto campus without a protest permit.

Graduating students have chosen two ways to show their disfavor for Obama's appearance. Some are sitting out of their graduation ... others are putting stickers on their mortarboards of a cross and baby's feet.

So far in excess of 200 protesters are outside Notre Dame with more expected by the time the commencement begins at 2 pm. Follow up-to-the-minute coverage by video and updates at Stop Obama at Notre Dame.

Previous posting: Insanity ... Notre Dame puts Catholics at crisis

1 comment:

  1. That is, unless you're Tom Perriello:
