Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obama-ABC News propaganda machine team up to jam universal health care down Americans' throats?

Drudge is reporting on what happens when the mainstream media throw off any sham of being bipartisan and team up with a Democrat White House to jam universal health care down the throats of Americans ...

... the very same universal health care that is failing in Canada and Great Britain.

ABC will present their evening newscast out of the White House on Wednesday, June 24, followed by the Obama White House propaganda for health care ... sans any opposing viewpoints.

Republicans have asked the White House for the opportunity to offer a rebuttal but have been refused. Refused!

Imagine this scenario: President George W. Bush pulls Fox News into the White House to broadcast from the East Room followed up with a comprehensive report explaining why America needed to go to war. At the same time, the Bush White House would refuse to allow debate on the subject by shutting out any liberal viewpoints.

The Democrats would have gone ballistic.

If Americans are not yet paying attention, they had better wake up.

Glenn Beck video about the cost of Obama's health care

Update: More on this subject plus lots of links over at Frugal Cafe Blog Zone.

H/T to Connie


  1. J. Tyler Ballance3:27 PM

    As a small business owner and former supporter of several of Virginia's elected Republicans, I would like to offer a few reasons why a National Heath Service should have the full support of all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.

    1. Currently there is widespread job discrimination, especially against Americans over forty, because businesses do not to want to risk higher insurance bills for the older workers. Even employed, older workers, know that they are the most likely targets for lay-offs and firings.

    2. Business owners often elect to hire part-time workers as a way of avoiding the cost of benefits, including health insurance. This hurts the quality of service for customers and the quality of life for the workers.

    3. There are numerous other benefits to having a National Health Service, but I will be brief. Business owners will no longer have to spend the time and effort to manage employee health benefits, freeing American enterprise to do what it does best; produce.

    The chief criticism of a National Health Service is always that Canada or Britain's programs have deficiencies. Why on earth would the United States NHS have to suffer any of the failings of those in much smaller countries? As Americans, we have regularly set the world standard of excellence in our national pursuits. Our military is the best on the planet, our space program is without peer, so why should we not expect our National health Service to be a model of excellence for the rest of the world to follow?

    As for the complaint that we would have rationed health care under a national system, most Americans would prefer an accountable federal system to the rationing that goes on by our dubious insurance providers who manipulate the current system for their own profit.

    When we look at all that e have created through our national and locally run programs, everything from military, to roads, to sanitation or fire protection, America has done exceptionally well with our national and local government programs. There is no logical basis to presume that the creation of a National Health Service would be anything short of our usual level of excellence.

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    "When we look at all that e have created through our national and locally run programs, everything from military, to roads, to sanitation or fire protection, America has done exceptionally well with our national and local government programs. There is no logical basis to presume that the creation of a National Health Service would be anything short of our usual level of excellence."

    Mr Ballance - using that logic let's just go all out for full blown government ownership of all property. There is, afterall, no such thing as governmental excess, corruption and injustice. History shows us that minimizing the scope and power of the government is such a tragedy. Life is so much easier when you restrict human motivation and freedom.
