Friday, June 19, 2009

RPV Chair Mullins calls on Deeds to answer on Cap & Trade

~ RPV Chairman Asks Democrat to Come Clean on “Job Killer” ~

RICHMOND – Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins today called upon Democratic candidate for governor Creigh Deeds to publicly state his position on the proposed “Cap and Trade” legislation currently before Congress. Cap and Trade is a scheme in which entities that pollute in amounts exceeding a government-imposed limit would be forced to buy “credits” from entities which pollute under the limits. Many analysts have concluded that the idea would increase costs to consumers and severely limit the ability of private companies to create jobs.

Chairman Mullins’ statement is as follows:
“In this time of economic crisis, every policy that can influence job growth has increased importance. Cap and Trade is certainly near the top of the list. This idea is a lethal job killer – based on liberal orthodoxy and not science. The estimated costs to a middle income family are well over $1,000 annually, but range up to over $2,100 a year for other families. Additionally, the burden on private enterprise would be substantial, limiting the ability of businesses to create jobs and spur economic growth.

“Bob McDonnell has rightly stood firm in his opposition to this terrible idea, but sadly, his opponent Creigh Deeds remains silent. It is time for Creigh Deeds to state his position on this important issue, if he is willing to step out from under Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.”
Bob McDonnell for Governor

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