Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Virginia Right! analyzes RPV's use of new media

Bloggers Row at RPV Convention 2009

One of last weekend's participants on Bloggers Row during the RPV Convention was Tom White of the blog Virginia Right! His enthusiasm and understanding of the importance of bloggers disseminating conservative news and information that the mainstream media ignore is evident in his post today ... Bloggers: The New Main Stream Media. His observations about the RPV's use of new media are spot on:
Democrats are fond of calling the Republicans the party of no, but in reality Republicans are the party of know. As in they know a good thing when they see it. And the new media is a good thing, and that reality was not lost on the Republican Party of Virginia or Bob McDonnell. Virginia Republicans did not dip in a toe to test the waters, they dove full on into the information age and embraced it as the preferred method of communications. Sure they send fliers, emails, make calls and knock doors, but they added blogging, tweeting, flickr, YouTube and any other Social Networking tool available. Web ads can be produced on a low budget and distributed free. Response to attacks comes at the speed of light instead of the speed of US mail.

No place was this new found tool more prominently displayed than the 2009 Virginia Republican Convention at the Richmond Coliseum May 30-31, 2009.

Bloggers Row was set up for the 30+ bloggers with power and wireless internet provided, as well as a tables and chairs located in a prime spot. The candidates all took a walk down bloggers row, as well as those running for House of Delegates seats and current politicians and party leaders. It was a constant stream of Republican Leaders there to shake hands, offer interviews and meet the citizen journalists poised to help the party reestablish themselves as the top party.
Tom wrote that, while the Democrats utilitzed all the new media features during 2008's Obama campaign, Republicans were hanging back. No more. We've stepped into the new media era ... and we're not looking back.

1 comment:

  1. There's also a giant place for non-partisan blogs as well.

    In retrospect, I should have went to the RPV convention as invited but work concerns won out over this hobby.
