Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Honduras ... NOW Obama wants to interfere with another country?

After insisting the the U.S. would not interfere with Iran, Barack Obama wasted no time siding with communism (interfering?) when it came to Honduras.

I received a message today from a friend who lives in Harrisonburg but is originally from Honduras. Because he's from there, I trust what he says ... and he thinks Barack Obama is wrong to side with the Communist dictator who was removed by the military earlier this week. He wrote:
Lynn, I was born in Honduras and I support the new president. I already went to our local media to express my heart about this administration, and I will ask those who preach about "justice" about Obama's actions against my parents, friends and the people of Honduras."

The United States stood firmly by Zelaya, however, with State Department spokesman Ian Kelly saying Washington sees no acceptable solution other than Zelaya's return to power. He said the United States is considering cutting off its aid to Honduras, which includes $215 million over four years from the U.S.-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Is this social justice from obama? tell me....
Then I received the following from RedState with additional information urging us all to contact our representatives:
Barack Obama has decided to align American foreign policy with South American marxist thugs and drug cartels.

Last week in Honduras, the Honduran President Zelaya ignored the Honduran Supreme Court, Honduran Congress, and his own cabinet, deciding to stay in office beyond the expiration of his term. Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez supported him.

The Congress and Supreme Court ordered the Honduran military to remove Zelaya from office to prevent him from setting up another marxist dictatorship.

Barack Obama has sided with Zelaya, Chavez, Castro, and the South American drug cartels that have profited under Zelaya.

Call your Congressman today. Urge him to pressure the House and Senate Foreign Relations Committees to support the democratic government of Honduras as the new President Roberto Micheletti.

The land of the free should be siding with people who support freedom, not would be despots who have known allegiances to drug cartels and marxist dictators.

Click here to get the relevant contact information for your Congressman.
Why is Obama siding with our enemies?

UPDATE: Adam at NetRightNation provided the following links on the Honduras story:

- In Honduras, Freedom Restored
- Cartoon: In Honduras, Enough About Obama
- The Marx Brothers Find a Fourth
- VIDEO: Tribute to the Heroes of Honduras
- Nothing So Shocking About This Coup (this ran in the Miami Herald)
- Cartoon: The Obama Doctrine
- Very Constitutional Coup (this is from the Washington Times)
- A Great Day in Honduras


  1. As his time in office passes, each day he reveals a little more of his true self. I am conflicted as a veteran and a believer in freedom when I see the single biggest threat to our freedom as our Commander in Chief. A peaceful revolution at the ballot box is the only answer, but 2010 and 2012 can't come soon enough. It starts with Bob McDonnell et al this year.

    I feel embarrassed that our president has passed on several opportunities to bring freedom to the world. If he can't support freedom elsewhere, how can he support it here?

  2. Obama says,"coup is not legal".now we says,"president zelaya is not legal" and thats true.
