Monday, August 17, 2009

Canning garden veggies ... tomatoes, pickles & salsa

Bread and butter pickles, red and yellow tomatoes
Banana peppers, mild & hot salsa

The variety of garden vegetables piled on the kitchen floor was diminished significantly over the weekend as canning continued in the Mitchell kitchen. Alex and SWAC Husband were busy bees with the latest jars of goodies now put up for winter ... banana peppers, mild and hot salsa, red and yellow tomatoes, bread and butter pickles. There's more to come as veggies continue to roll in from the garden.

It's been a great growing year ... rain, cool nights, warm days, and an 8-foot fence around the garden to keep out the deer who helped themselves last year. There's enough produce that we're still sharing with friends who do not have gardens.

It will be nice to have a taste of summer in the dead of winter.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 17, 2009

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