In Washington, DC, on September 12, America will be heard. The media will mock you, but what else is new? They can't ignore you forever -- it's time to raise our voices in unison to let our government know that we are sick and tired of the recklessness.
We know you have a life, a job and usually don't have much time for activism. But this year 9/12 is on a Saturday and what better way to spend a weekend than letting your voice be heard in Washington?
How can you get involved? Go to and you'll see people from Pennsylvania to Florida to Georgia and all over planning for the big day. If you are still thinking about coming to the march, it’s not too late. There are still buses that need to be filled and plenty of hotel rooms to be booked.
Don’t miss your chance to demand politicians listen to YOU. Visit the 912project site and the meet-up site to find out how you can be a part of it all!
Information about Shenandoah Valley buses here. Information about Richmond area buses here. Where will Glenn be on 9/12? Find out here.
I'll be there!