Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jim Webb has no townhalls scheduled

Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) has no townhall meetings scheduled during the August recess.

A call to his office revealed townhall meetings have become "highly requested" recently.

The young lady I spoke with said if they decided to have a townhall, the only way to know about it was by signing up for Sen. Webb's e-newsletter because it would not be listed on the website and they would not be releasing information to the media. She also said there was no place to sign up for the e-newsletter on the website, and added that the site was being "completely remodeled" at this time.

I asked what dates he would be gone to Asia. She said he had a "ton" of meetings scheduled but could not give me the dates. I left my email address to receive the e-newsletter that would have information of a townhall, if they decide to hold one.

Are the citizens of Virginia not going to have the opportunity to address the socialized health care bill with their Democrat U.S. Senators during the August recess?

Sen. Jim Webb: (202) 224-4024
Press #2 to speak with a staff member


  1. Thank you for looking into this I'll be calling his office today to express my mutual displeasure that we can't express our opinions on healthcare, or learn about his over the break.

  2. I called the Senator's office this morning and asked about a townhall meeting during the August break and she said that the schedule had not been finalized yet. She took my name and zip code; I am assuming that was to verify that I am a resident of the state. She asked for my e-mail address and said that she would e-mail me when the schedule was published. I certainly hope that Senator Webb does have a meeting in my area. I really want to hear what he has to say about the pending health care bill and I want to make certain that he hears my point of view as well.
