Sunday, August 30, 2009

Perriello ... did he take a vote on that?

Hundreds of residents turned out Saturday for a townhall meeting with Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) in Rustburg and, in the words of the reporter, he faced another tough crowd. The majority of those attending crowd expressed disagreement with the proposed nationalized health care bill, HR 3200, and were not shy about letting their representative know they were informed, knew details about the bill, and disagreed with it.

At one point Rep. Perriello made an interesting statement to the crowd:
“It’s clear that this room seems pretty united against HR3200,” Perriello said. “That is not the opinion of my constituents as a whole.”
How does he know? Has he polled each of the 650,000 constituents in his district? As one commenter to the newspaper's website noted:
REALLY??!! Well if that’s the case, why is he even bothering to hold town hall meetings? Almost every single meeting he has held has been like this where the vast majority of participants are opposed to this legislation. For him to just discard this opposition calls into question his judgement and rationale for seeking his constituents’ input in the first place. Makes you wonder if the fix was in from the very beginning.
Which brings up a good point ... why not let the American people vote on whether they want Uncle Sam to take over their health care.

One speaker may have echoed the sentiments of many at townhalls across the nation:
“I came to thank you” for having the meeting, Parrish told Perriello, “but I have changed my mind. You’ve talked twice as much as you’ve listened. You say what Obama wants you to say and not what the people of Campbell County want you to say.”
There will be one more opportunity in the 5th Congressional District to meet with Tom Perriello ... Monday in Appomattox at 6:00 pm. Contact Mr. Perriello's office for location and more information.

Charlottesville, VA 22902 - Phone: (434) 293-9631
Danville, VA 24541 - Phone: (434) 791-2596
Farmville, VA 23901 - Phone: (434) 392-1997
Washington, D.C. 20515 - Phone: (202) 225-4711

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