Monday, August 03, 2009

Sarah Palin's principles versus the power grabbers

Many thanks to Concrete Bob at United Conservatives for the heads-up on this American Thinker article about Sarah Palin by Stuart Williamson.

So much of the article jumped out at me that it's difficult to pare it down. You have got to read the entire thing, whether you're a Sarah Palin supporter or not, because it touches on the real issue of what is wrong with politics: Those who are in it for principles are squashed out by those who are in it for power.

Mr. Williamson begins with Gov. Palin stepping down from her post as governor of Alaska and then continues:
True to form, Sarah Palin, her Governorship behind her, clearly and forthrightly declared her intent: to take up arms against the forces dedicated to tearing down our Constitution, destroying our principles of government, disparaging our history of defense of democracy and free enterprise, weakening our military, and saddling generations to come with oppressive debt and entitlement programs. She did so in the same inspirational, forceful manner that won her immediate and enthusiastic acclaim when she joined John McCain on the Republican ticket in ‘08.

Her words, her dynamic style, her good humor and high spirits, as well as her clear dedication to the traditional values of Middle America, have created a great wave of euphoria among conservatives across the country, in the Tea Party movement as well as those who embraced her last fall.
Sounds to me as if Sarah is an American first and foremost. The article continues:
Those ... who have criticized her for being a quitter, a political weakling, doomed forever as a loser, are about to get their first lesson in Palin 101: The word "quit" is not in her vocabulary. She is not a reactive defender. She is a fierce and fearless attack machine. She earned her nickname Sarah Barracuda, on the basketball court. She polished those skills in the rough and tumble of the frontier politics of Alaska.
Hear, hear! Sounds like my political allies.
She is unswervingly honest. She hates liars and cheats.
What she says, she means. She makes no idle promises.
Amen again.
This honesty is what brought her into politics in the first place. She ran for mayor of Wasilla because she questioned the motives of the favored candidate. She cleaned up local government. Her integrity is what propelled her to high approval ratings as she rose to the governorship. Her honesty is transparent, it shines through. It resonates with voters, differentiating her from run-of-the mill opportunistic professional politicians.
Honesty ... integrity ... principles. I have seen leaders in the local area with those qualities who were driven out of office by the power grabbers.
The truth is: Sarah Palin is not really a "politician." She did not get into politics to seek power or wealth. She bears no resemblance to the typical politician, who graduated in Law specifically to enter politics; or to the successful businessman who runs for office to gain profit advantage or status; or to the mediocrities who rises through nepotism or dynastic ambition like a Kennedy or a Gore. Or to any party hack out of the Chicago machine.
Principled Republicans who are slashed by Democrats and stabbed in the back by Republicans.... Mr. Williamson has written the most in-depth article about Sarah Palin's motives that I have read. This one should be shared.

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