Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Citizen journalists" ... bloggers report on 9/12 March on Washington

Bob Kirchman attended the 9/12 March on Washington last weekend and commented on the Citizen Journalists who went to DC:
Sean Hannity was mentioning the young filmmakers who outed ACORN and he used the term: "Citizen Journalist."

I like it! I know some citizen jounalists too! Lynn [SWAC Girl] is one, David Karaffa [Augusta Conservative] is too. Fishersville Mike, Yankee Phil, please accept your new title compliments of Mr. Hannity. With the old media on life support, 'blogger' just doesn't cut it anymore.

America is awakening. Who is telling her story as she does?

The Media Ignores This at their Own Peril [click to read].

Pictures! [click to view]. There were a LOT of us in Washington Saturday!
Citizen journalist ... I like it. A tip of the hat to Sean Hannity and Mr. Kirchman!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn, that 'Mister' part sounds so... respectable.
