Thursday, September 03, 2009

"I pledge to be a servant to the president...."

Gag. A servant? To the president?

Can you believe the "I Pledge" ad that is currently making the rounds? Watch it here at Michelle Malkin's blog. She writes in her column, Obama’s classroom campaign: No junior lobbyist left behind:
“ABC” stands for All Barack’s Children. On September 8, young students across the country will be watching television. Yes, they’ll be parked in front of the boob tube and computer screens watching President Obama’s address on education.
Parents in droves are complaining to school systems ... others are vowing to keep their children out of school that day.

Day by day, I feel as if we're being indoctrinated into the Obama Nation.

The good part is that it has awakened a sleeping nation of people who are determined to protect their freedoms and not let their country be socialized by what is going on from the Obama Administration and the Democrats who rule Washington, D.C.

With these types of jam-it-down-their-throats tactics going on, I expect the home school movement and private schools to begin to grow again as parents pull children out of public schools. And a warning to those school choice parents: expect to be on the radical left's hit list. You are independent thinkers ... you must be indoctrinated.

"Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state." Adolf Hitler


  1. I encourage everyone to contact your schools and complain. We had a number of parents complain and my children's elementary school has decided to NOT participate in this nonsense next Tuesday. Finally a small victory to celebrate :) Stand up for your children! Keep up the good work SWAC Girl!

  2. That's good news, Kim, that your children's school has decided not to participate.

    I have heard that school boards and superintendents were not notified but, instead, the administration contacted principles of schools. That seems an interesting way to get a foot in the door. If I had children in public school, they would be sitting out next week.

    So glad I home schooled my children!

  3. I'm not too worried about Obama's speech. I mean, our kids are inundated all year with liberal pap. One speech won't do much. He'll be just another talking head that they HAVE to listen too. And forget about the next day.

    Besides, its the first day of school here. I think the kids in Henrico might be a little bit distracted.....

  4. The appalling thing is that no one is reporting this at all, except to say he is talking to elementary kids, belitlling anyone who has a problem with that. Hello! Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. We are all ASLEEP while we are lulled by this narcissist and his already large group of Kool-Aid drinking loyal servants!

    This whole iPledge stuff is just widening, sickening to the nth degree.

  5. First of all, you've got the "I Promise" TV spot confused with the speech that the President will give to school children.
    Setting goals and working hard in school are concepts to be feared?

    The lesson plans invite children to THINK about what the Pres. said, to CREATE their goals and PLAN how to execute their goals.

    And your hate propaganda is not an indoctrination? I can't wait for the day when our country needs soldiers to go to war and nobody will sign up because you people have taught your kids to hate and fear the president.
