Tuesday, September 08, 2009

We surround him....

Several years ago conservative radio and CNN TV talk show host Glenn Beck warned of a financial crisis in America. He saw the handwriting on the wall ... but he was dismissed as a nut and a conspiracy theorist.

In late 2008-early 2009, this nation plunged into a financial crisis.

Earlier this year Beck moved to Fox News Channel. Using his own researchers and those provided at Fox, he conducted extensive research into radical groups, leaders, and those who are around and appointed by Barack Obama. He has used his radio and TV shows to disseminate that information to the American people.

The response has been phenomenal. He has unearthed information about Van Jones, the so-called "Green Jobs Czar," who had been an avowed communist and a 9/11 "truther" (believed the U.S. Government was behind the 9/11 terrorism attacks) and much more. Beck exposed information about Jones as well as other "czars" who have not been vetted but have access to the White House, and began digging into ACORN, that group that Obama once was a part of and appears to still be utilized by Obama.

Glenn Beck began connecting the dots.

In the wee hours of the morning of September 6, Van Jones resigned from the Obama administration.

On March 13, 2009, Glenn Beck urged ordinary citizens to get together for "We Surround Them" parties to show they were not alone, that there were many others who were concerned about out-of-control spending of the government and other concerns. Thousands across the country turned out and watched his 5:00 Fox News show outlining the 9/12 Project. He urged them to regather on Sept. 12.

Now Glenn Beck is under attack from the liberal left. His life has been threatened, his family has been threatened, his staff has been threatened, and they have vowed to destroy him however they can. For what? For speaking out, for exposing those who would endanger this country, and for not stopping when intimidated by those very people.

Today's NewsMax announces that Keith Olbermann is asking for help in digging up "dirt" on Beck:
After Glenn Beck scored a touchdown for the right with the announcement this weekend that Obama’s Green Jobs Czar Van Jones had resigned, liberal MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has come out swinging.

In a post made to his Daily Kos blog, Olbermann says he wants readers to help him dig up dirt on Beck, as well as Fox News chairman Roger Ailes.

Olbermann promised his fans: “Tuesday we will expand this to the television audience and have a dedicated email address to accept leads, tips, contacts, on Beck, his radio producer Burguiere, and the chief of his TV enablers, Ailes (even though Ailes' power was desperately undercut when he failed to pull off his phony "truce" push).”
The angry left cannot respond with facts. They respond with vitriol and character assassination.

All those ordinary citizens who were assured by Mr. Beck that they were not alone have now closed in and surrounded him to let him know he is not alone.

We surround him....

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