Monday, October 12, 2009

12 Oct 2009: THYME Magazine ... Citizen Journalism with a better flavor

The latest issue of THYME Magazine: Citizen Journalism With a Better Flavor has been posted by Bob at The Journey.

This week's issue has a cover photo of the 9/12 March on Washington with the subtitle, "Why It's Time to Retire the U.S. Congress." Topical issues covered include term limits, the unrest of unrepresented Americans, remembering true conservative Democrats such as former Georgia Sen. Zell Miller, and the divide in today's America.

Good reading....

1 comment:

  1. They should read THE CHANGING FACE OF DEMOCRATS about the loss of our Libertarian Roots and the history of the Democratic Party. America’s first major political Party changed from a libertarian party of Jefferson to Cleveland to a Rousseau to Marx-leaning liberal, left-wing party. The Democratic Party’s original ideals encouraged free markets, individual freedom, state’s rights and personal sovereignty. What happened? When and how did their policies begin to change? Why did a strongly patriotic party morph into one that blends communism, mercantilism and socialism? Whether you are Democrat or Republican, this narration is a study of history, fact, and the leadership that altered the Democratic Party. It shows that present day Democratic values do not reflect the true principles on which American society rests.
