Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Home school update on Chris Klicka

UPDATE 12 October 2009: Home schooling community loses Chris Klicka. HSLDA attorney Chris Klicka, 48, passed away after long battle with MS.

From Tracy Klicka, wife of HSLDA's Chris Klicka, in Colorado (see background here)....


Dear praying family and friends,

I am deeply touched by the outpouring of prayers, encouragement, and love that you have shared with us these past days. Even though we've been away from our home since September 19, we have been absolutely surrounded by the loving arms of Jesus here in CO Springs via the local body of Christ here.

Several friends from VA and a few other states have also been here, walking with us through this whole journey. And then your prayers and encouragement, as the larger body of Christ have been used of the Lord to buoy our spirits and help us keep our eyes fixed on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank you!

And indeed, the Lord Jesus is helping Chris to finish strong. He is still with us; we don't know God's timing, but we know for certain that he is in transition. Chris was able to recognize this for himself just yesterday morning in a conversation he had with my dear friends Beth and Bob while the children and I went to church with our home hosts.

Chris is aware God is preparing a heavenly mansion for him, and he is both ready and at peace. He is still without pain, is comfortable, and has slept peacefully days and nights.

In addition, the children and I are resting in the goodness of God in this journey. We are sad, but thankful that soon our daddy/husband will be RUNNING into the arms of His Savior. I have wept both tears of sadness and tears of joy as I contemplate Chris' future. How precious have been the extra days the Lord has given us!

We know that God is the Screenwriter of Chris' life story. He is the Director and the Producer. Every moment of footage is in His hands. He is sovereign; He is all wise; He is all good; He is love itself. Our hearts are full beyond words in the knowledge of this and we rest in the good of this.

I wrote this quote last February (after listening to a sermon at church as we started our series in Genesis), and what great encouragement it gives me anew today:

"The chaos of sin, suffering, trials, pain, loss and death DO NOT have the final say. Chaos must give way to God, who orders all things, who brings life out of death, healing out of sickness, rest out of chaos, forgiveness for sin. For those in Christ, REST & EVERLASTING JOY are our reward!"

Thank you for your continued prayers--may the Lord impress His good promises upon your hearts today!

With love in Chris, our great Savior and risen King,
Tracy, for Chris, and the Klickaclan

"O Lord, my God, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will give thanks to Thy name; For Thou hast worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with PERFECT FAITHFULNESS...

For Thou hast been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat...

And the Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; a banquet of aged wine, choice pieces wtih marrow, and refined, aged wine...

He will swallow up death FOR ALL TIME, and the Lord God will wipe tears from all faces, and e will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth. For the Lord God has spoken.

And it will be said in that day, 'Behold, this is our GOD for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the GOD for whom we have waited; let us REJOICE and be glad in HIS SALVATION!" ~Isaiah 25:1,4,6,8,9

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