Friday, October 09, 2009

The Nobel Appeasement Prize

Continuing their stellar example of making the nobel peace prize completely useless, those hair brains in Norway awarded it to ... giggle-snark ... Barack Hussein Obama! Hmmm ... hmmm ... hmmm.

Oooh. I feel safe now.

Andy Hefty at the North Star National says it so much better than I:
Forgive my cynical approach. That’s who I am. But when I heard this morning that President Obama won the Nobel Appeasement Prize, I was at first shocked.

Then indignant.

Finally, as I contemplated more, I shrugged.

Gimme hug. Gimme prize!

It should come as no surprise to anyone on either side of the political aisle that Obama won it. To his supporters, he is viewed as the salvation of all mankind. He can do no wrong. He can fix health care, balance the budget, educate children, grow our economy, and fly to mars – all in a day’s work. His detractors believe the exact opposite.

Like Jimmy Carter, Obama has yet to meet a terrorist-sympathizing dictator he didn’t like. He goes on a whirlwind tour to apologize to the world for our past “sins” and prostrates himself before the Saudi King. Remember it was Saudi Arabia who provided 11 of the 19 terrorists who attacked us eight years ago.

He gives the Queen of England an iPod filled with his own speeches.

And he dithers about while our troops in Afghanistan are begging for reinforcements.
Read the rest of his post ... it's priceless ... as he includes past winners of this ridiculous "prize" which leads him to conclude that the qualifications to win are:
- Trash America
- Blame Israel
- Appease terrorists
- Hug dictators
- Embrace a socialist agenda
For the record, I would trust Mr. Hefty to keep me safer than the current POTUS.

Meanwhile, my fellow Jeffersoniad bloggers were on this story much earlier than I this morning (a meeting last night kept me up past midnight which made me late reading/hearing the exciting news out of Oslo ... good morning to sleep in).

Check out these posts from:
- Rick Sincere
- The Write Side of My Brain
- Crystal Clear Conservative
- Virginia Virtucon
- Norm at Tertium Quids

Even Byron York and the Washington Examiner weighed in with "Huh? Even pro-Obama press is stunned by Nobel decision."

Mr. Hefty ends his North Star National post with this:
One final thought, again from the archives: the absence of conflict under oppression is not peace. It’s slavery.
I can add nothing more ... except that I miss John Wayne being in charge of the ranch.

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